Learn to Nasal Breathe and Establish Proper Tongue Function!


Nasal breathing and proper tongue function is hands down a non-negotiable when it comes to your child's health!

If your child is struggling with any of the following or you are just wanting to work on prevention you are in the right place!

❌Nervous system dysregulation Mouth Breathing 
ADHD like symptoms Snoring Bedwetting  Allergies 
Asthma Enlarged tonsils Enlarged adenoids  Poor quality sleep
❌Crooked & crowded teeth  Cavities  Chronic ear infections
Enroll in OOH Now!
Get Started Today!


Are you a mom who's exhausted from endlessly Googling, trying to decipher conflicting information about your child's breathing and airway issues?

Do you find yourself wondering how and if you should treat these concerns? It's time to put an end to the uncertainty and gain the expert guidance and treatment you and your child deserve.

I promise you it is never too early and it is never too late to get started. Lets say goodbye to those symptoms and get your child nasal breathing and their jaw growth and development on track!

Without nasal breathing and proper tongue function we do NOT have health... when we establish these functions that is when we can really start to thrive!


✅Learn EVERYTHING you need to know about nasal breathing and proper tongue function and why your child may not be doing it

✅Learn my step by step therapy process to establish nasal breathing and proper tongue function

✅Learn about nasal hygiene and sleep hygiene so we can set our kids up for success to breathe clearly and get their best nights sleep

✅Join me for my live monthly trainings to ask questions and get support for anything that comes up along the way

✅Become a nasal breather with proper tongue function so that you can achieve optimal health!

Enhance Nasal Breathing

Nasal breathing is essential for optimal whole body health .

Promote Proper Jaw Growth and Development

Our muscles are the root cause of crooked and crowded teeth and improper jaw development.

Say Goodbye to Symptoms

When we sleep and breathe better many of the related symptoms disappear.

What you're getting inside my complete therapy program:

Optimal Orofacial Health is a 5 module 12+therapy program that walks you through all of the steps needed to turn your child into a nasal breather with proper tongue function and jaw growth and development. 


✨24/7 INSTANT and LIFETIME access (including all updates)

✨Literally step by step therapy. Nothing is left out!

✨Myo kit shipped to your house so you have all the tools necessary in order to be succesfull 

✨Acess to our bimonthly sessions LIVE WITH ME to get additional support if needed


Module 1



» Learn WHY we MUST establish nasal breathing and properly functioning facial muscles

Module 2

Nasal & Sleep Hygiene


» Learn how to keep our nose clear so that we can breathe freely and learn how we can set our kids up to have their best nights sleep

Module 3



» We know our goal is to nasal breathe and have proper tongue function. But we make it even easier than that and break it into specific bite size goals to get their easily 

Module 4

Road Blocks


» There could be some roadblocks we hit that will try and stop us from achieving our goals. In this module we discuss them so we know what to do if they arise 

Module 5

Let's Get Started


» Learn  what to expect as you start the therapy exercises

» Learn about best practices and get ideas for implementing the exercises so that you can be successful

» Learn to track progress and symptoms and to ask yourself the questions I would personally ask you if you were in one on one therapy with me

Module 6



» 12+ therapy sessions

» Start the exercises that will quickly get your child to establish nasal breathing and proper tongue function

» Step by step instructions for each session and exercise

» Videos and supported PDF documents to explain each exercise

» Modifications available so no matter where we are starting there is an exercise for our ability

Getting started on nasal breathing and proper tongue function is easier than you think...


Get Started Today!

Why you can no longer afford to ignore this!

  • On average we breathe 22,000 times a day. If we are doing it wrong it adds up quickly!
  • We can treat the root cause now or treat the symptoms forever!
  • It is not if but when the symptoms will only progress and get worse if this isn't treated!
  • 70% of children have 1 or more symptom and are affected by this!
  • Do you want to watch your child become one of those statistics or act now?
  • Times have changed and it is time to get ahead of this instead of playing catch up. It is time for our children to thrive not only survive!

We know the time to treat this is now.

What Some Of Our Successful Patients Have To Say!

Chelcie has helped us so much with my 5yo mouth breather! We were able to cancel his adenoidectomy and improve his bed wetting immensely since working with her!!! Highly recommend!

Nina L. 

Just wanted to reach out and say thank you! My pulmonary function test came back great this year!! Not even in the radar for sleep or breathing issues. Thank you for all of your help.  

Jeff P. 

Chelcie has helped us with all of these things! My son’s bed wetting has stopped, he went from 100% mouth breather to nasal breathing the majority of the time, and his behavior and sleep has changed for the better! Thank you, thank you!

Lisa C. 

I was hesitant to work with anyone regarding my 12 yo son’s tongue tie because he had already had 2 revisions, one at 2 weeks old and one at 6 yrs old. Neither time were we ever told about myofunctional therapy as a congruent therapy. I knew that issues could arise down the road as he got older so I connected with Chelsie for an evaluation and info. She explained everything so well and despite the other two revisions, my son still had the highest level tongue tie you can have. I knew then we had some major work to do. When I connected with Chelcie I instantly felt at home and like my son was going to have great results this time around. Chelcie is extremely knowledgeable, kind and easy to work with. We were able to do everything via zoom and she found a great doctor for us! We have had amazing success this time around. My son’s tension in his shoulders is gone, he is CHEWING his food now, he swallow’s completely different and has even started to enjoy different food textures he would have never tried before. We are extremely happy with our results and Chelcie was such a blessing to our family!

Amanda L.

Before starting myofunctional therapy our son had chronic ear infections, poor quality sleep, bed wetting, and allergies that lasted most of the year and were almost unmanageable at the peak season. His PCP said he hadn't had enough ear infections to warrant a referral to children's hospital for tubes. I had seen all your posts so I asked him about myofunctional therapy and he said it would not help. We've seen this doctor for over a decade and have been happy but I was beyond frustrated so we decided to try this before taking my son to someone else to get tubes. After starting this program it was amazing how quickly I noticed his whole demeanor was different in the mornings because he was actually rested and getting good sleep for the first time! His seasonal allergies are so much more manageable, and he is almost through 10 months without an ear infection, when prior to this they were every 2 or 3 months. I can't say enough how happy I am to have found this program!

Amanda H.

We are incredibly grateful for Chelcie Gjellum’s expertise as a Myofunctional Therapist. Our daughter was hesitant to do the exercises, but Chelcie’s patience and encouragement made all the difference. Despite sucking her thumb until 8 years old and trying various methods without success, Chelcie provided us with a manageable step-by-step approach that worked wonders within just a couple of weeks. Thanks to her dedication and guidance, not only did our daughter stop sucking her thumb, but she also experienced a significant improvement in her chronic ear infections after swimming. We went from a summer of ear infection after ear infection to NONE in 2 years. Chelcie’s expertise was a true lifesaver for our family, and we highly recommend her services to anyone seeking effective solutions.

Sarah B.



How Much Does This Complete Myofunctional Therapy Program Cost?


The mistake most people thing is that the "do it yourself route" is cheaper. What we don't take into account is how much slower and ineffective that route can be. Endlessly searching through Instagram posts or googling late into the night. 




...we lose valuable time watching the symptoms get worse by not taking action.


So next I hear "can you just do it for me and treat us one - on - one"


Which is possible! You can hire a myofunctional therapist for $2,000-$3,000. Most requiring you to commit to the entire program and not just pay for a session here or there. 


If you are a mom like me you want to take advantage of my Optimal Orofacial Health program without the cost. 


This is the solution. This is your chance to learn from me so you can breeze through therapy and change your child's life for the better! 


And you can master my ENTIRE therapy program for as little as $795!

Join Today


Total Value of $4,895


  • For ages 3 and over
  • $2,600 Value
  • 6+ Modules
  • 12+ Myofunctional Therapy Sessions
  • 1 Myo Kit included
  • BONUS below you can check out the 4 essential bonuses I am giving you for FREE ($2,295 value)
  • Total value of $4,895 for just $795!

All The Tools You Need To Get Your Child Nasal Breathing & Promote Jaw Growth

Myofunctional therapy on demand, on your own time. Therapy and exercises that has helped hundreds of families just like yours!

Plus these 4 essential BONUSES:

Bonus #1


  • Gain access to our community where you can interact and ask questions.
  • Ask your questions live.
  • Ask your questions in advance and then watch replay.
  • Strategically scheduled every 2 weeks to line up with your sessions.
  • Hearing other peoples questions and conversations on these topics is invaluable. 

Bonus #2


  • All the tools needed to have success in the program shipped right to your door!
  • Tools to accomplish myofunctional therapy goals NOT appliance therapy.

Bonus #3


  • Learn how to measure your child’s palate to see exactly how on track or behind they are in jaw growth and development.
  • Learn about all the options from growth guidance appliances to expansion.
  • Learn if further intervention might be needed and if so which would be the best fit for you.
  • Learn what to look for in a provider.

Bonus #4


  • Learn when the tongue tie release should take place. 
  • Learn the proper pre and post op exercises to ensure a successful release.
  • Learn how to find the right tongue tie release provider.
Click Here To Get Instant Access


I created OOH working 1-on-1 with hundreds of families for 7 years in my business, Breathing Into Life Myofunctional Therapy, and I stand behind this program 100%. I am giving you 30 day’s to put the program to the test to start seeing initial changes. You can email our support to request a refund if you aren’t making progress. BUT you must be ready to show me the work you have put in. WHY? Because the program won’t work if you don’t. I built this program for families who are ready to make a change! If you are just wanting to join to take a look around or to try to download the information and then request a refund this is not for you and the refund will not be granted. This is for families who are ready to put the program to use and show me they have done so. 

Optimal Orofacial Health- Myofunctional Therapy for Nasal Breathing and Jaw development


I want your child to step beyond mere survival. Our program is designed to alleviate their symptoms, promoting optimal health and well-being. This is not just a course, it's a revolution in breathing and jaw development, empowering them to thrive and excel with every breath they take!

Sign Me Up Now!

Hi, I'm Chelcie Gjellum, certified specialist in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy!


I’ve always believed we must tackle the root cause if we want true healing. Treating the symptoms is just like mowing the weeds. But its amazing what happens when we dig a little deeper and pull the weeds so that they never come back!


When I was a first time Mom with a newborn I quickly ran into the troubles of a undiagnosed tongue and lip tie. And wow did this change our lives! This led me down a path of breathing, sleep and airway health and I have not looked back since. 

With six years of working with parents searching for answers and looking to change their children's breathing, sleep and airway health, I was able to pinpoint the methods and exercises that have helped transform so many lives.

My courses will help you breathe, sleep and thrive to help uncover the most refreshed version of you and your kids.